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notch signaling In conclusion a rare KCNE D N
In conclusion, a rare KCNE1-D85N polymorphism may modify the LQTS phenotype in combination with other pathogenic LQTS-related gene mutations. Disclosures Conflict of interest Acknowledgments Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is observed in 10–30% of patients with symptomatic notch s
Well designed operational research is needed to refine this
Well designed operational research is needed to refine this starting point. Research is also needed to find out whether prophylactic valganciclovir treatment in high-risk patients might reduce AIDS mortality as well as blindness, as substantial data suggest. WHO leadership is needed to provide cytom
Where does this leave the other potential
Where does this leave the other potential vaccines, and what additional information is required to inform their use? Many of these vaccines are based on a non-replicating adenoviral vector modified to express the Ebola glycoprotein (eg, adenovirus 5 (Ad5-ZEBOV), chimpanzee adenovirus 3 (Chad3), or a
br Conflict of interest br Case presentation A year
Conflict of interest Case presentation A 64-year-old female presented to the emergency room with persistent dizziness that began early that morning. She had a 30-year history of palpitations and known electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities. Her pulse was irregular at 130–270min−1 and blood pres
It is noteworthy that in
It is noteworthy that in a recent study, Le Scouarnec et al. [199]. estimated the burden of rare coding variation in arrhythmia susceptibility genes among 167 BrS index patients and compared that with 167 individuals ≥65 years old with no history of cardiac arrhythmia. The authors concluded that, ex
The IntellaTip Mifi catheter has been shown to delineate
The IntellaTip Mifi catheter has been shown to delineate local electograms better in the isthmus than the conventional bipolar electrode during atrial flutter ablation. The signal amplitude in the mini-electrodes has been noted to be higher than that of the conventional bipolar catheter. This has en
cytochrome p450 inhibitors br Las paradojas de un escritor
Las paradojas de un escritor norteamericano Séptima novela de Hergesheimer, Tampico está considerada entre las menos artísticas que escribió. Tal vez el choque con la descarnada realidad del enclave petrolero cytochrome p450 inhibitors puso en cuestión, hasta cierto punto, su vocación esteticis
br History of cholesterol and bile acid research Bile
History of cholesterol and bile phorbol research Bile is a yellow, brownish, or olive-green liquid that is composed primarily of water, organic solutes (such as lipids), inorganic salts, and some proteins. In bile, cholesterol, phospholipids, and bile acids are three major lipids, and bile pigmen
br Introduction Liver fibrosis cirrhosis is a global health
Introduction Liver fibrosis/cirrhosis is a global health problem that leads to morbidity and mortality. Alcohol abuse is one of the most common causes of liver fibrosis/cirrhosis in western developed countries and accounts for more than 50% of cirrhosis cases. Alcoholic liver fibrosis is characte
br An estimated million babies are born preterm
An estimated 15 million babies are born preterm annually. Preterm birth complications account for more than 15% of deaths in children younger than 5 years and survivors often have long-term consequences with respect to their health, growth, and psychosocial functioning. The most beneficial interve
Evidentemente la institucionalidad junto a la paralela
Evidentemente, la institucionalidad, junto calcitonin gene related peptide la paralela retórica de reconciliación, no fue nunca suficiente para hacer de la reinserción del combatiente campesino un proceso fluido en esa sociedad pacificada. Fue, al contrario, un proceso dispar y enredado, lleno de au
Currently we are unable to fully understand the diversity an
Currently, we are unable to fully understand the coelenterazine and distribution of the AT arising around the apex of the triangle of Koch. Koyama et al. closely studied the spatial and topographic variation in the distribution of this type of AT around the His-bundle [17]. As demonstrated in the p
br Maternal and Child Nutrition Series
Maternal and Child Nutrition Series noted the emergence of overweight and obesity in low-income and middle-income countries while also documenting the unfinished agenda in undernutrition, sometimes in the same countries and populations. Furthermore, the Series reported analyses of data from Brazil
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